Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ball Phobia?

This morning when I was dropping Tree Faerie off at daycare, I put her on the floor like normal, and she started playing with one of the balls. This particular ball was abou the size of a softball. As I started to head out the door, Tree Faerie's teacher got out one of the big bouncy balls, kind of like a beach ball. Tree Faerie started backing up and ended up crawling under one of the cribs while trying to get away from the ball. She kept waving bye-bye with both hands at it. I was watching all of this through the window in the door, and I kept waiting for her teachers to realize that she was obviously scared of it.

They didn't seem to be catching on, so I opened the door and whispered in my best stage-whisper, "Tree Faerie is afraid of big balls!"

She is also afraid of the balls that make noise and roll around. Her Nana bought her a ball that rolls around and makes noises, and she runs from it every single time.

I must admit - I've been laughing off and on all day because my daughter is afraid of big balls and balls that chase her. I wonder how long this fear will last...

(And you know my mind is in the gutter...)


Monnik said...

I don't blame the kid. Some of those balls are obnoxious! We had one that vibrated and shook and chased the kids around. *I* was terrified of the dumb thing!

And those other balls are probably as big as Tree Faerie herself, poor little thing. Crawling under the crib and waving bye bye to it. How cute is that?!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Poor girl! thanks for the laugh!

Unknown said...

It was terribly cute! I tried not to laugh at the time, but I called my sister-in-law almost immediately afterwards to tell her about it. The ball was as big as she was when she was sitting on the floor, so I'm sure she really thought it was after her!

And I did go back in to pick her up and snuggle her again before leaving. The teacher put away the big balls while Tree Faerie was off the floor.

Random said...

aww... avery was the same way. he was scared to death of beach balls and the giant ones you get from, like, walmart or where ever. and balloons! he was SO scared of balloons.

xxxx said...

Hopefully she will be afraid of balls for a LONG TIME! lol.

KATE said...

I'm glad your mind was in the gutter too, b/cuz mine was as soon as I read the title!! ha ha ha!

Sorry she's afraid of balls, but really that made me laugh!!

Patti said...

uh-oh, i smell some big ball therapy around the corner...

Unknown said...

LOL! Big Ball Therapy!

I can't stop laughing over that one!