Heather over at Coal Miner's Granddaughter tagged me today for a meme of my 5 favorite things, so here they are in no particular order:
- Baby Snuggles! I LOVE baby snuggles, and not just from my baby! I love baby snuggles from all babies, though now I can say I prefer my baby's snuggles.
- Drinking Starbucks while browsing in Barnes and Noble! My winter drink is White Chocolate Mocha, and my summer drink is Caramel Frappuccino. I browse many different sections - Occult & New Age, Bargain Books, Crafts, Journals, and now Parenting & Children. I may not buy anything except the coffee, but I love books and I love coffee, so this is the best of both worlds!
- Salsa! I LOVE salsa in just about any way you can give it to me - chips and salsa, salsa on omlets or eggs, salsa with my quesadilla or burrito or enchilada. I've even been known to eat salsa with crackers when I didn't have any chips. My favorite salsa is the homemade stuff my mom cans. It is absolutely delicious! My second favorite is the kind I get at El Mezcal, my favorite Mexican restaraunt. Mmmm. I'm drooling now. By the way, pico de gallo is not salsa. Salsa has to be cooked before canning or serving!
- A Massage from a good massage therapist! A friend bought me one in May for Mother's Day, and it was wonderful! It had been years since my last massage. I plan to get one for my mother for her 50th birthday in January. I'll get one for myself soon after, unless DTTF decides that's what he's getting me for Yule.
- Yarn! I love yarns and fabrics and crafty things. I love making things. I love touching the soft fibers. I'm allergic to wool, though, so all my yarn has to be acrylic or cotton. I've banned myself from buying new yarn until I use up most of my stockpile, but that doesn't stop me from stroking the skeins of yarn in Wal-Mart or Michael's.
The second meme is one that Carrie from Live in the Badlands tagged me for over a month ago. I'm supposed to come up with 7 random things about myself, so here goes (warning, though, some may be gross):
- I can't see or hear someone puke without gagging. Most of the time I can prevent the all-out-act, but it's a struggle! This was made even worse when I was pregnant, though after Tree Faerie was born, it went back to normal.
- I have a huge scar on my right bicep from being in a car wreck in April of 1987. My late step-dad (he died in 1990 from a heart attack) swerved to miss a dog in the road and lost control of the truck. It flipped several times through a field and I was ejected from the vehicle. I had a compound fracture and the skin around the wound was ground with dirt and had to be removed. I have a patch scar on my butt cheek from where they took the skin graft. During my 3 1/2 week hospital stay, everyone kept telling me how luck I was that I didn't lose my arm. Now I rarely even think about the scar unless someone asks or something scratches it.
- I also had a piece of glass stuck in my eye from the same wreck and had 2 dissolving stitches in my right eye. The eye doctor can't even find a scar on my eye from it now.
- I used to be allergic to poison ivy until I had a full systemic reaction to it. I was building a fort in my back yard next to a tree that had vines on it. Now, being the good Girl Scout and Southern Girl I was, I knew what poison ivy leaves looked like, but I had NEVER seen leaves on the vines on this tree. I pulled the vines off the tree and used them in making the fort. The next morning, I could barely open my eyes. I had to go get 3 shots, take a round of steroids, and use LOTS of hydrocortizone cream. I had one little bitty outbreak the next summer and haven't had it since, even though I've been around it and helped doctor other people's outbreaks.
- I was offerred the opportunity to go to both Space Camp and a journalism symposium in DC, but I had to turn them both down because we didn't have the money.
- I entered exactly ONE beauty pagent after being pushed and nudged by various people. I did not have fun and felt very out of place. I didn't win anything, either, probably because I looked mortified at some of the things I'd seen backstage. My mom was very supportive without pushing me one way or the other. That's one of the things I love my mom for - she often let me make up my own mind about things.
- I found my first silver hair when I was 17. Since then they've been coming in slowly. I've recently been pondering coloring my hair (I haven't colored it in about 6 years) because I keep seeing full-length silver hairs.
So, those are my random facts. Hmmm. Who to tag... Mom is in the Fishbowl, how about telling us 5 of your favorite things, and Mom's Happy Handful, what are 7 random things about you?